Two methods—either simply Scroll down through ALL the Last Names via the use of the lower right hand scroll arrow, or…..to Find a SPECIFIC Surname….simply Type into the FILTER LIST Box—the LAST NAME you are Searching for (do NOT put First name).
Up pops either 1 name or many(displays “empty” if none of that specific One, in database). Whether 1 name (if the one you seek) or Many of that Surname—(find the one you want out of the long list), you will CLICK ON THE ONE you Wish To VIEW.
That will HIGHLIGHT that Specific named Record in BLUE. Then you simply CLICK ON THAT BLUE Highlighted NAME and then Click on the SUBMIT Button (below Filter button) and UP will POP Your Ancestor’s record in the lower right portion of your computer screen.
You will see Text about them, and possibly anywhere from 1 to Several to Many TINY thumbnail sketch IMAGES of the Pictures we have in that record For your Ancestor. If you Click ON the Tiny images they will Remain Small UNLESS you are a MEMBER.
ONCE YOU JOIN (Go to JOIN / LOGIN Category Button upper right on HOME page) Then When you Click ON the Tiny IMAGES they will Become FULL SIZE (opening in another Window)for your Viewing or Printing-out!! The Membership includes ALL 4,000 plus Images/ 1,000 plus Ancestral Records for Your ACCESS!! -Being ADDED TO by the 100s WEEKLY—so DON’T MISS OUT–Become a GUM-SHOER Today!! Thanks!